Regulatory toxicology – how are regulatory bodies and agencies working and interacting with scientists at national and European levels in the risk assessment and risk management of chemicals?


October 12, 13:00 - 13.15 Introduction

13:15 - 14:15 Swedish Chemicals Agency

November 15, 13:00 - 14:00 Swedish Food Agency

December 07, 13:00 - 14:00 Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

January 24, 13:00 - 14:00 Swdish Environmental Protection Agency

Where: Join Zoom Meeting https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/65376222023

Meeting ID: 653 7622 2023

The material of previous seminars can be found here


To give the participants insights into how scientific information from environmental chemistry/ecotoxicology/environmental medicine is used in a risk assessment/management context at national and European level. Many scientists believe that their results and findings are not “used” by authorities and policy makers efficiently/swiftly enough to make the environment chemically safe.


The aim of this seminar series is to show and exemplify how authorities are working and interacting within current national and European legal frameworks concerning chemicals. The seminar series cover the overall responsibilities of the authorities in the field of chemical risk assessment and management. The need for scientific competences and information, and collaboration with scientists will be identified. Per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are used as an illustrative example, highlighting the complexity of the handling of wide-spread “new” contaminants.


The main target audience for the seminar series are PhD students and post-docs from the research areas covered by SWACCS. Senior researchers, professionals and others are also welcome to attend. The seminars are presented on zoom with an open SWACCS zoom link.

Duration: 40 min presentation, followed by 20 min questions and answers, moderated by a senior researcher

The seminar series start with presenters from the Swedish authorities during the fall 2022-spring 2023, followed by European agencies. Thus, actions on the national level will be connected to the European level within EU legislative frameworks.

PhD course

For PhD students, participation in this seminar series in combination with a written reflection following each seminar would provide you with a certificate of attendance that could be used/transferred at your university for academic credits. Three seminars, including written reflections, corresponds to 1 ECTS. Registration to be part of this PhD course is by email to Helen Håkansson (helen.hakansson@ki.se). Further instructions will be provided.

Swedish Chemicals Agency, Bert-Ove Lund

Bert-Ove Lund is an associate professor and toxicologist at the Swedish Chemicals Agency, with a background from SLU and Uppsala University. He has worked the last 25 years with regulatory EU chemical risk assessments. He has also been very involved with PFAS, from the initial nomination of PFOS to the POP-convention in 2005 to starting PFAS networks and initiating PFAS-reports.