The role of low-dose chemical mixtures in human health: An elephant in the room

A Presentation by Duk-Hee LeeM.D., Ph.D. Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Korea

12 September 12.00-13.00 @ Uppsala University Waldenströmsalen, Rudbeck ground floor C11

Dr. Duk-Hee Lee, Professor of Epidemiology, focusses her research on health effects of chronic low dose exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in humans, with particularly interest in the role of lipophilic chemicals stored in adipose tissue on the risk of common obesity-related diseases. Dr. Lee has published more than 200 research articles in areas of chronic disease epidemiology and environmental epidemiology.

Points for participating PhD students: 16-20 seminars gives 0.5 hp. Own presentation gives another 0.5 hp

Host: Prof. Monica Lind