SWACCS Seminar

Human Biomonitoring

Welcome to SWACCS seminar with:

Speaker: Christian Lindh, Associate Professor. Group Leader at Applied Mass Spectrometry in Environmental Medicine, Lund University
Title: “Human biomonitoring as an exposure assessment method

Date and Time: November 1 at 14:00 – 15:00
Place: Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 613 7904 7100
Passcode: 684338

The aim of our research is to monitor human exposure to toxicants from the environment. We develop sensitive analytical methods using mass spectrometry for measurements of exposure biomarkers in human matrix (e.g. blood and urine) which can reflect external exposure levels. We also study how the body handles toxicants with respect to uptake, metabolism and excretion including analyzing biomarkers representing early biological responses. The presentation will be about how to validate a biomarker of exposure, finding new exposures and exploring difficult human matrices